Call-Center Telehealth Intake

Questions to ask:

  1. ARE YOU A NEW CLIENT? All participants must be new clients to FRC.

  2. DO THESE HOURS WORK FOR YOUR MEETINGS WITH CLINICIANS? Monday: 5-9, Tuesday: 4-9, Wednesday: 8-11, Saturday 3-9, or every other Sat and Sun from 9-12. These are the hours that our telehealth clinicians will be working to start out.

  3. Do you have a computer or phone with reliable internet? (must answer yes)

  4. Do you have a safe home environment to discuss issues openly? (must answer yes)

  5. Are you above the age of 14? (must be over 14)

  6. Have you had any hospitalizations for mental health or substance use issues within the last year? (must have no mental health hospitalizations in the last year)

  7. Are you involved in systems such as Children Services or courts that require coordination of care? (must not be involved in other systems)

  8. Do you have one of the following insurance plans:

    • Ohio Medicaid

    • Buckeye Community

    • Care Source

    • Molina

    • Paramount Advantage

    • United Healthcare Medicaid

  9. If the client answered correctly for all of the above questions they will be able to set up telehealth services, if they answer incorrectly direct them to Open Access for traditional services.

Needed Information

When organizing the appointment you will need the following information from the client:

Name, Address, Email, Phone, DOB, and SSN

Once those are collected you will confirm their Medicaid coverage through MITS:

You will need to collect: Medicaid billing number and MCO type